Franks World

February 21, 2012

Briggs Chapter 5: Going Mobile

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero,Uncategorized — frankromero @ 3:02 PM  Tagged

Technology has come a very long way within the last 10 years. It has gone from big bulky cell phones to the smallest way to record and spread your message about anything. Briggs talks about mobile journalism in chapter 5.

According too a newspaper in London, on average, a person gets their first cell phone at 8 years old. I know me personally, I got mine at 16 but that was back in 2006. I feel old!

Briggs also talks about two different types of mobile journalists: Gearheads and Light Packers.

Gearhead is more of a hardcore mobile journalists. when out on the field they always have their laptop, internet connection, camera, video camera, tripod, and an audio recorder. That’s a lot to handle!
A light packer is more of what I am. It’s a journalist that is really on the go. The only thing they really need is their phone and they are good to go!

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