Wow, this really blew my mind!
March 21, 2012
Briggs Chapter 9
In Briggs Handbook, Journalism Next, Chapter 9 is titled “Data-Driven Journalism and Digitizing Your Life”. This basically means the importance of data in any news story. Briggs goes on to say that technology is all around us, why not use it? Tools can only help you as a news journalist. There are so many free […]
March 7, 2012
iPad 3 is Official!
Apple has announced their brand new iPad 3 coming very very soon! The newest device to this apple family will include: – 5mp camera – Breakthough Retina Display -Ultrafast 4T LTE -iLife and iWork built in
February 23, 2012
Briggs Chapter 6
Photos are worth a million words. This is stressed greatly by Briggs in chapter 6. I think that stories can be told over and over again but may change over time. A photo stays the exact same no matter who is seeing it. A photo that I feel I feel is worth a million words […]
February 21, 2012
Briggs Chapter 5: Going Mobile
Technology has come a very long way within the last 10 years. It has gone from big bulky cell phones to the smallest way to record and spread your message about anything. Briggs talks about mobile journalism in chapter 5. According too a newspaper in London, on average, a person gets their first cell phone […]
February 16, 2012
February 14, 2012
Briggs Chapters 3 and 4
Briggs Chapter 3 Chapter 3 really went in on the topic of crowed-source reporting and open-source reporting. Before reading this chapter, I honestly really didn’t know what they were about. It really opened my eyes to what I have been overlooking. Crowed-sourcing is important because it really depends on its committed users to keep everything […]
Special Guest Speaker Steven Buttry
Here are some highlighted noted I took from this lecture – “Digital tools are so versatile that they are only limited to our imagination” Buttry – “You don’t use all tools on a single story or it just becomes chaotic” – Buttry – Twitter’s natural character limitations keep sentences at an appropriate length for journalism […]
February 7, 2012
The Wise Words of Mark Briggs
When someone thinks about journalism, they think of newspapers. When someone thinks of newspapers, they think about the decline of newspapers and might be misinformed on the true facts behind that statement. Briggs really opens ones eyes to where journalism once was to where it is heading in the near and distant future. Chapters one […]