Franks World

February 7, 2012

The Wise Words of Mark Briggs

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero,Uncategorized — frankromero @ 4:39 AM  Tagged

When someone thinks about journalism, they think of newspapers. When someone thinks of newspapers, they think about the decline of newspapers and might be misinformed on the true facts behind that statement. Briggs really opens ones eyes to where journalism once was to where it is heading in the near and distant future.

Chapters one and two:

Briggs starts off with information about the supposed “decline of journalism”. Everyone assumed that with the decline of physical newspapers that the whole journalistic side of writing was also going to fade away. This has been proven untrue with the rise of technologies including the internet and smart phones. Briggs really gives hope to aspirating journalists such as myself and gives us something to look forward to. Journalism may be on the decline in one way but on a major incline in another.

With technologies currently evolving in an unreal speed, the older generations are starting to take a back seat to the new and upcoming journalists. Briggs mentions that it is time for these younger generations to take over these positions that have been held by the older generations in journalism. The younger writers are more in tune with the new technologies such as internet blogs, twitter, and smart phone applications. All these new technologies have risen from nothing within the last 10 years. Can you imagine where all these technologies will be in 5 years? Totally outdated and absorbed by some other new and upcoming trend. Its time from the young to “keep hip” and to take over this world. There was a lot of information distributed throughout these chapters but they really made you think of what’s next.

In chapter two, Briggs started to talk about blogs. He mentions the history of how they came to be. Today blogs are everywhere and run by absolutely anyone. You can go online anywhere and find someone venting about something as meaningless as a piece of paper, but hey, that’s what they are for right? This chapter really got me excited to work on my own blog and really let my mind write freely without a care in the world.. well maybe my grade!


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