Franks World

March 22, 2012


Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero — frankromero @ 1:30 AM  Tagged ,

Pinterest and all its glory

Workshop #2: Editing Files Using Photoshop

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero — frankromero @ 1:09 AM  Tagged

For my second workshop I attended the a small session in the JC Starlab. I met with Victor Santos who helped me with some tips using photoshop. Photoshop is a very good tool to be able to use. You can do absolutely anything you put your mind to. You can edit photos, make gifs, even […]

March 21, 2012

Bye Bye iPad 2

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero — frankromero @ 8:17 PM  Tagged

So with the new iPad 3 recently being released, people have found some interesting and creative ways to get rid of their old ones..

iPad 3 Cover Fail

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero — frankromero @ 8:07 PM  Tagged

The newly released iPad 3 has a newly found flaw. The popular flip cover that is supposed to turn the iPad on when opened doesn’t work! This is upset many iPad and iPad 2 users because the case was so expensive. Apple is currently trying to fix this issue and will release a statement in […]

iPad 3? Yes Please.

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero,Uncategorized — frankromero @ 7:45 PM  Tagged

Wow, this really blew my mind!

Briggs Chapter 9

Filed under: FrankRomero,Uncategorized — frankromero @ 7:41 PM  Tagged

In Briggs Handbook, Journalism Next, Chapter 9 is titled “Data-Driven Journalism and Digitizing Your Life”. This basically means the importance of data in any news story. Briggs goes on to say that technology is all around us, why not use it? Tools can only help you as a news journalist. There are so many free […]

Briggs Chapter 8

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero — frankromero @ 7:31 PM  Tagged

In Briggs Handbook, Journalism Next, Chapter 8 is all about video and how it is imported to use it to have a very successful blog. There are different hints he drops about videos to help them have a more positive effect rather than negative. The length of the video is very important. A video of […]

Workshop #1 BBC 5 Shot Method

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero — frankromero @ 7:12 PM  Tagged ,

The BBC has created a method of short film captures to be able to tell a story to your audience in a very crafty and unique way. This is called the 5 shot method. The shots are as follows: -Medium Shot: The establishing shot. An example of how it would begin would be to focus […]

March 8, 2012

Google Docs Skillset

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero — frankromero @ 8:18 PM  Tagged ,

March 7, 2012

iPad 3 is Official!

Filed under: Comm361,FrankRomero,Uncategorized — frankromero @ 8:07 PM  Tagged

Apple has announced their brand new iPad 3 coming very very soon! The newest device to this apple family will include: – 5mp camera – Breakthough Retina Display -Ultrafast 4T LTE -iLife and iWork built in

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